Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Prayer , or two, Please.........

Sorry but, in all honesty,  I haven't felt much like writing lately.

Despite a (Wonderful !)  recent Random Road Trip to my dearest Victoria and the company of more absolutely beautiful people (Sass and The Music are certainly an Inspiration....Thank You :) well as at least a half dozen 'drafts' lurking behind this wee curtain....AND another pending Road Trip to Long Beach, Home of This Wee Heart.........I don't know really ?

That said, in this moment I'm peeking out and asking any and all of you whom haven't stopped peering into this quirky little corner of my Universe to simply PRAY.

Frequently and with Fervor.  


There's a truly unique and entirely remarkable woman currently in room 712 that could seriously use some positive energy :)

Miss Vicki has once again landed herself, fancy new chair (I SOoOooo love The Purple, Sister ;) and all , back in Isolation.  Her itsy bitsy physical frame  is currently facing Pneumonia , Serratia AND  that Everything Resistant MRSA...........any alone  being enough to take a Bull Elephant down ...together though?  
Drug Cocktail is an understatement and yet she remains..............

THE Miss Vicki (have I told you lately that I LOVE You ?)

Force of Nature (!)  Impenetrable SPIRIT........STILL cracking jokes about gorgeous Specialists and people stealing her pants.....and posting pretty pictures and beautiful music to make all of US mere Mortals feel better.  The Gift that actually does just keep on GIVING, even when she's tired and pretty much wiped out herself.....

Very few people ever face even the smallest fraction of challenges this particular woman has.  
Fewer still overcome them......let alone THRIVE .....fewer again with the absolute Grace, Good Humour and STYLE that this one has. 

She is an Inspiration (and she hates it when anyone says that ;)  of EPIC  proportions and I have been incredibly Blessed to have found her along my particular path in Life.......a path that I PROMISED would take me back to San Antonio to see her again soon and one I mean to KEEP , because I never break my word and I can't honestly imagine never riding around in the Vader Van and picking on John with her ever again ;)

So, please, Loveliest of Peeps (and I am well and truly both blessed and incredibly  thankful for each and every one of absolutely amazing YOU are :)..................

SEND UP THOSE PRAYERS for our Vicki .  BIG ones......light a candle or two.....send smoke signals.....boil bats *LOL* ....whatever works for you that will find it's way to San Antonio ....

I'm hoping, between all that Positive Energy, my wee Wings and a Whim or Two ;)..........I should be back in San Antonio (you said May, right Sister ?) sometime soon to KEEP that Promise and let Miss Vicki find me my Cowboy ;)

THAT is the way it's supposed to BE..........Thank You (in advance) Universe.

Anything else is unthinkable and entirely unacceptable.......Just Sayin'.

