Sunday, December 25, 2011

Season's Greetings from Nowhere....

It was very recently brought to my attention that I have (had) this blog. 

Whoops !!

Time apparently FLIES when you're living an alien life on an alien planet....aka The Alberta Tar Sands or what I generally prefer to call Nowhere. 
(There's actually a Bridge To Nowhere....which I cross to get here ....but that's another story entirely....)


Much has transpired in the seven months (yes I cringed in horror when I typed that...who knew?) since I arrived in Nowhere, and currently AM for the duration of these holidays.  No smiley sticker for that one but I'm working hard on getting through and over it .....

That said, I honestly wouldn't even begin to know where to start, which stories to tell.......ever so much has happened in the last few months (!)

In a nutshell, it never ceases to amaze me the sheer variety and magnificance of the individuals I have encountered up here....all walks of Life from all over the World. Perhaps it's only the incredibly stark contrast between the environment and the people but they are, truly, entirely amazing and I have been most fortunate in my companions for these last few months (for the most part, there is always a rotten apple trying to spoil the cart, anywhere, perhaps just harder to avoid in the contained bubble of Nowhere )

If ever I do find myself able to write again (strange side effect of Nowhere dwelling it seems) ...the stories I have to tell !!!

Meanwhile I'm just dropping by to say HELLO and apologise for forgetting this wee continuum entirely. My life has altered dramatically and I prefer to maintain that it's entirely transitional in nature...perhaps that's part of the block but for now there's  nothing for it. It just IZ.

A very, VERY Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone who still drops 'round this wee space though !!

All the very best throughout the holidays and into the coming year, may it find you Happy and Healthy and enjoying each and every moment you are blessed with in STYLE !

I'll try my best to tell a few tales....I've got plenty stored up, just need to find the time and space to relate them properly.  In this moment , however, I felt the need to drop a quick line and let you know I am well, thinking of all of you often and wishing you much Merriment in 2012.  I plan on getting caught up, re-prioritizing and making some rather radical changes (like this wasn't enough , right? LOL) and catching up on some 3D time with the people I care most about.

Look OUT Toronto, Texas, Colorado.......Edmonton again for sure and toss in a few rounds of Kelowna .......this wee breeze shall most certainly be wafting across your walkways in 2012.

I promise.  Really. 

Watch Me


Much Love in the interim......catch y'all again soon on the flipside ;)

(I'll say See You Next Year.....he he.....corny yes, but TRUE and it feels absolutely fabulous ;)



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

'Home' Again.....Jiggity Jig.....then Off again too.......

This posting finds me having just sailed through my Refugee Home of Oil Sands Camp.......on my way through to actual Fort McMurray for an emergency dental visit (!)

For starters, let me clarify that, under 'normal' circumstances, this is (only) a 2 1/2 hour way.....Kearl sitting North East of the actual city of Fort.
That said, Transportation is spotty at best, occasionally involving the odd spitting camel and/or donkey cart.

Camel One  deposited me, at the end of the day, back at OSL for the evening.  I'd entirely forgotten how attached to that particular place and people I had gotten....rather intense was the situation at that time (!) I was ever so happy to see so many familiar and friendly faces and I genuinely am most thankful for the warm greetings I received.

Good people are just GOOD PEOPLE.  Thank You Universe.

I awoke again this morning, at 3 am , to the ever familiar sound of Bird Bangers....I'll never get used to saying that I don't imagine......for a 5am appointment with Camel Two....which took me here to Fort.  Somewhat of a convoluted path of travel , yes, but entirely common here in the middle of Nowhere.

So, here I sit in a rather expensive motel ("Transport" requires that I stay one night in town or they don't send the camels) approximately 8 hours before I can actually check IN.

Walmart?  Closed.  Seriously.  ONLY in Nowhere is Walmart not allowed to be open 24/7.  Dashed therefore are my hopes of killing time with Walmart People....I was planning on taking pictures and everything ! 


I get to People Watch in the Lobby.  Even at 6am this is not an uninteresting prospect.  The people here are, well, different.  Living in Nowhere for extended periods of time...working long days, days and days and days in a row..... it both attracts some seriously different characters and somewhat changes, over time, the nature of pretty much everyone else.  At the moment I am surrounded by rather rough looking fellows....all of which are clearly off to work in one of the holes up here judging by the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) they are all wearing.  It's a sea of fluorescent orange and yellow...rounded out nicely by the broad silver reflective strips.  There are many tatoos.......some fellows are in work boots, others flip flops....some appear to be wearing nothing at all underneath their overalls (!).....most of them are unshaved and unwashed and appear to not care less really.....oh MY.  What a very odd way to start the day and what a completely different scene from the clients that are my usual landscape (Thank You Universe for that :)   ....interesting though. 

Remind me, please, to always CARE , regardless of how much time I spend up here......and to always shave, shower and wear clothing under my overalls, should I ever be required to wear them LOL 

.....................................Briefly interrupted by an ANGEL there.  Her name is Gloria and, oddly enough, she is from Hamilton.....City across the bridge from MY original Hometown.  Said Angel hath not only waved the $500 security deposit but hath checked me IN...WAY early to an absolutely smashing room, complete with King Sized bed (pinch me!) kitchen, flat screen tv AND ginourmous tub.  Toss me somethin' shiny (and yes it is that easy) and I am in HEAVEN. 

Thank You Universe for rewarding this extended camel trip through a literal desert with this wee Oasis.  Vastly appreciated !!

Having now received The Warnings (I am Downtown Fort McMurray, sandwiched between a homeless shelter and rehab facility...the rumours you hear about this place are actually quite factual, it is most certainly not a vacation destination ) I shall depart for Walmart....then a few cab hops to the dentist.......please pray on that one .......I'll catch y'all later !!



Monday, July 18, 2011

Briefly.......a request

Hola !

My apologies for neglecting this space.....after all of THAT there's really not a lot of excitement in my life these days.  Tough Act to follow and all.....just a tad.

I DO have some stories brewing but am, in this moment, inclined for more practical matters........such as finding a reliable house/pet sitter for several months time..........

TIM (who's contact info I do not have with me).............if YOU are still sofa surfing whilst finishing up your PhD ??........................have I got a deal for YOU !!!!!


Seriously........drop me a line please and I'll be happy to fill in the details over Vietnamese.....I'll buy .

(sorry folks but it's my blog and I'll do what I want with it ...priorities at the moment.....LOL)


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Prayers Please.....

Again, for Our Miss Vic ........BOIL them thar Bats...........

Thank You  :D  

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Time's FUN.....

.....when you're having flies.  According to Kermit anyhow ;)

I cannot believe that time has passed so quickly and that so much has happened in such a seemingly short period of time.  Above and beyond everything else....from dealing with a staph infection, cursing massive forest fires, propane poisoning and being batted about like a ping pong ball...on another planet entirely too.....I have LEARNED , plenty.

I've learned that PEOPLE are far more important than I realised.
Having largely been quite content to occupy my own carefully constructed personal spaces for ever so long have I been.....Strip 'that' away?  Remove absolutely everything that is even remotely familiar and everyone that you truly care about?  Toss in some rather extreme circumstances and completely remove any possibility of fleeing ???

What's left? 

Just Me. 

And I'm pretty danged Cool I think ;) 

The fears, uncertainty and general overall poor state of everything in my core for the past year or so has had quite the software upgrade.  I have, literally, faced THE Fires............I have NO fear now and therefore uncertainty is no longer a concern.  I am STRONG, having gained a crystal clear image of who I truly am and what I can do...BE......Do.

Metaphorically speaking, I am now officially bulletproof and that my friends?  THE most amazing feeling in the World.

For this I largely owe the truly remarkable group of people that have graced this weird world I find myself in these past two weeks.  Those people who took me in, made me feel HOME...when I didn't really have one.  Who appreciated Just Me, frequently and vocally.........mere words cannot express how wonderful and badly needed each and every one of those daily "Darlin" "Sweetheart" "Sunshine" and "Luv"s have been.  WOW.

I find myself writing this from my original camp, where I arrived back earlier this evening.  I miss the friends I made and left behind but am quite content to be settling back into this sweet little place where the only thing exceptional is the people involved.  It changes your focus, it changes WHO you are when there's absolutely nothing else.....I believe it to be a Very Good Thing :)

So.  Complete turnaround.....hard to believe it and  I still frequently think I'll wake up back on my Island (I will, actually, in four days LOL ).........two weeks .  Who knew?

Thank You Universe, for getting me through all these strange happenings in this strange place.  For surrounding me with amazing and caring people who have loved me up, made me laugh (a lot ) and generally just provided those wee soft spots to land amidst the chaos.


I do too now, without a single doubt, because of it.



GO with it...............................................

'Night  from the Kearl Girl :) 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Words of The Day

"Moximize" Verb:  To overcome hardship with Sass, Courage, Spunk, Determination  and Attitude ;)

"Krisalize"  Verb:  The Art of surviving Humanity's insanity. 

With many thanks to the two absolutely beautiful women who coined these terms and to each and every one of you who support me unfailingly and keep me laughing , frequently and with fervor.

You ROCK !!!!

Thank You Universe, I think I may be starting to see method to the madness this has all been and it feels really, really........GOOD :)

Namaste and happy recovering from that hockey game (!)..........LOL


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Brief Update ...

EVER so sorry it's taken so long.......I've been updating everyone individually as much as possible but have been working 10 and 12 hour days and entirely too tuckered out to wander this way.

The short version (I'll fill in the details later I hope) is that The Fire still burns......over 300,000 hectares now.  They have brought in my favourite Mars Bomber      (oddly enough, from back HOME in BC) Makes sense (finally) to bring in the largest water bomber in the World to fight the largest fire Alberta's ever seen.........

That said, clearly I remain a Refugee at that other camp LOL.  In as much as I am wishing for a return to my smaller, cozy little camp at Kearl Lake, I have NO desire to be evacuated again, ever.  Best to wait until the return is permanent, until the next fires of course (which will be a long, long way away because there won't be anything left to burn) The people here at Posh have been exceedingly kind and helpful really, under nothing less than extraordinary circumstances.  I have been put to work in Housekeeping as my job was with Kearl.  It's been a confusing and seriously humbling real information combined with working, hard, physically.....ten and twelve hours a day.  Toss in some snow (really) , bovine bartering (story) , an apparent Staph infection (!)  and suitably Atomic meds for same and ?.....................I haven't had a whole lot to say really :(

Until today my future has remained entirely uncertain, back to Kearl?  sent home?  I didn't know and it's been incredibly tiresome.  I have however, now found out that I am staying, here at OSL until my scheduled return to my Island on the 15th.  I will (THANK YOU UNIVERSE !) be removed from my current drudgery in the trenches and placed in the office, where I belong, to be fully trained for my position at Kearl...........whenever we may all be able to go back there.  It's most unfortunate however that a coworker that I am rather fond of hath been sent packing early as much as I am thrilled with my seeming salvation in this strangest of situations, I am NOT happy with it being at someone else's expense.


I probably shouldn't publish this as it's not really in keeping with the Spirit of  Me :) but we all have our breaking points and I have been hauled right to the very edge of mine.  I'm certain, however, that  I'll get right back to just being a Spazz again shortly... once I'm healthy again and can manage to fit it a few days without any further strange happenings !! Entirely too much to process this whole last week has been........


Off I go now to watch some hockey , rest up and gear up for the next eleven days of least I know I have it now and for that I am immensely thankful.

Back at you soon with  adventures in the Canteen (I only just walked down the hall and returned with fresh fruit salad, a warm bran muffin and two rice krispie meds are frequent and require lots of water and handy this is ...he he ;) ......bovine stories and tall tales of my visit on the malaria side of life......LOL........

Life's weird. 

Love it and Live it is the best we all can do :~)



a few pics from my day yesterday....trip into Fort McMurray to the clinic.....just NASTY really....for miles and miles and miles and's impossible to even imagine unless you see it (and you really don't want too I'm certain )
OH how I look forward to my LUSHNESS again in a few weeks :~D 

Seriously......left the pepper spray behind at Kearl too LOL

Oil Country-next time you fill up think of this one.......

God's Armpit (I'm sure of this now LOL )

Sunday, May 29, 2011

When Smoke gets in your Eyes......

Last night I'd done a new entry and, due to a crotchety net connection, I lost a half hour's work before I could save it.  Lesson learned.

MUCH has transpired since I arrived here 72 hours ago (likely THE grandest understatement I will ever make)

Though 'here' is now 'there' due to an Emergency Evacuation today.  Well, not quite.  It was supposed to be....this morning.....then got put on hold until we all finally bugged out to various other locations this evening, where I now AM.  Not entirely sure where....but about an hour South of my previous two night's sleeps  (I did wake up in the same bed this morning though....who knew?)..

There are FIRES here............BIG ones.  Ginourmous really, if you can wrap your brain around the 90,000 acre 'thing' .....check these out (10 is our current issue) :

that BIG blob in Northern Alberta, rimmed in pink?  Zoom IN a little.....THAT is where I am .  I've seen it, I've inhaled the smoke and picked the falling ashes out of my hair for the last few days too and I STILL can't wrap my mind around it. I think of the 'fuel' ....lovely trees ....and the wildlife involved and it very nearly makes me sick.  So, I try to not do so..........

I have, literally, landed in The Twilight Zone.  The last few days have been SO far removed from anything even remotely conceivable to me that if I was a Betting Gal I would have bet you a million dollars a mere week (not even actually, I accepted this job last Monday) ago that you were INSANE had you told me any of this would happen.  WOW.

So now, again, I've shifted and am a Refugee of sorts, from a home I was settling quite nicely IN to.  Small, not so posh Camp..........FABULOUS people.  A large extended family of sorts.  There are ever so many stories (like the one that got lost last night) about that place and the people there already.....I have been most fortunate to have landed amongst such a wonderful little group.  We have now been tossed to the winds somewhat.....not sure what happens past this point ? 

I'm now in Posh.  I have a room that's three times the size of my former one, with it's own bath, climate control and in a seriously impressive, much newer and much larger facility.  I don't think I care for it so much does not FEEL the same and THAT, my Friends, is absolutely Everything really.
I also don't have a job  now until (if) we all get shipped back 'home'..........let's just hope that's SOON, very.  I won't mind at ALL packing up again and bugging right back out of Posh.  Please and Thank You Universe.  I think perhaps, that I won't unpack at all :) 

For now I am just plain ol' tuckered out.  The last 72 hours of my life have been, frankly, bat chit CRAZY.  I've learned a lot about wildfires (!) , people and how very valuable extended Families are for those of us (and if they can find a way to keep me I WILL stay :) that are either forced or choose to earn their livings so very far away from their homes.  It's not about Posh.....that much is obvious.

I'm leaving this wee space for a bit now, to rest and recuperate from this latest Big Adventure (!) and figure out what Plan B is looking like.........then I'll be back to tell some of those stories.  Monster Gophers, Christmas Dinner in May.....SqueeeeEekey Jugs....My Future Husband According to Peggy (aka my son needs a wife !) ...Yummy Medics too  ;)

It's probably All Good.....the people certainly are in any's just been a tad strange getting there thus far......just a tad............

That's What She Said.......


Quick Note

Briefly, to let you know that I'm still here and never so happy to wake up in a Strange Bed, ever!!! Lessee what this day has in winds and some rain would just be lovely.

Happy Sunday (?) LOL Everyone ......

