Sunday, December 25, 2011

Season's Greetings from Nowhere....

It was very recently brought to my attention that I have (had) this blog. 

Whoops !!

Time apparently FLIES when you're living an alien life on an alien planet....aka The Alberta Tar Sands or what I generally prefer to call Nowhere. 
(There's actually a Bridge To Nowhere....which I cross to get here ....but that's another story entirely....)


Much has transpired in the seven months (yes I cringed in horror when I typed that...who knew?) since I arrived in Nowhere, and currently AM for the duration of these holidays.  No smiley sticker for that one but I'm working hard on getting through and over it .....

That said, I honestly wouldn't even begin to know where to start, which stories to tell.......ever so much has happened in the last few months (!)

In a nutshell, it never ceases to amaze me the sheer variety and magnificance of the individuals I have encountered up here....all walks of Life from all over the World. Perhaps it's only the incredibly stark contrast between the environment and the people but they are, truly, entirely amazing and I have been most fortunate in my companions for these last few months (for the most part, there is always a rotten apple trying to spoil the cart, anywhere, perhaps just harder to avoid in the contained bubble of Nowhere )

If ever I do find myself able to write again (strange side effect of Nowhere dwelling it seems) ...the stories I have to tell !!!

Meanwhile I'm just dropping by to say HELLO and apologise for forgetting this wee continuum entirely. My life has altered dramatically and I prefer to maintain that it's entirely transitional in nature...perhaps that's part of the block but for now there's  nothing for it. It just IZ.

A very, VERY Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone who still drops 'round this wee space though !!

All the very best throughout the holidays and into the coming year, may it find you Happy and Healthy and enjoying each and every moment you are blessed with in STYLE !

I'll try my best to tell a few tales....I've got plenty stored up, just need to find the time and space to relate them properly.  In this moment , however, I felt the need to drop a quick line and let you know I am well, thinking of all of you often and wishing you much Merriment in 2012.  I plan on getting caught up, re-prioritizing and making some rather radical changes (like this wasn't enough , right? LOL) and catching up on some 3D time with the people I care most about.

Look OUT Toronto, Texas, Colorado.......Edmonton again for sure and toss in a few rounds of Kelowna .......this wee breeze shall most certainly be wafting across your walkways in 2012.

I promise.  Really. 

Watch Me


Much Love in the interim......catch y'all again soon on the flipside ;)

(I'll say See You Next Year.....he he.....corny yes, but TRUE and it feels absolutely fabulous ;)



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