Well then............I've missed a bit and am now combining info into one, probably not concise, entry :P
I successfully landed in Denver, greeted by the sun setting over yet another set of Rocky Mountains.
Fair Trade really :)
Several things, briefly about Denver (because that was yesterday and much hath happened in between)
It's FLAT. REALLY flat . Who knew?
It too has those lovely wee moving conveyors (I seriously could just run up and down them all day...put them on a FERRY? Heaven ! )
It also has Lavs that aren't miles apart !!
Imagine my surprise to be, nearly immediately, greeted by a Lav with a large yellow "TORNADO Shelter" sign attached to it?
I've crossed the Arctic Circle on skidoo, braved Ontario winters, BC Earthquakes, Wave Hazard warnings and Tsunami Evacuation routes.........NEVER, in a million years would I ever have thought to find myself in a situation where hugging the White Porcelain Bus could actually save my LIFE . LOL.
That said, I proceeded on yet another 'quirky' United Airlines 319 (the first one experienced random electrical issues....as did the second one, same Crew, different plane....very ODD) to my Ultimate Destination of ......
San Antonio, TEXAS !!
Greeted by a lovely friend, whom I'd never actually MET before (YOU are a truly incredible gal Sista Pekes :) and carted off to her lovely wee home, Deep In The Heart of Texas (please clap thricely, thanks :)
This would be where I currently am, having the time of my Life thus far.......details pending.
For now though, I must say G'Night......I've rectified the 'comment' issue for those that mentioned it, Thank You :) Sorry but I'm new to this and seriously challenged by poor electronics and time constraints .....fill you in SOON but for now I must let this wee puter rest before it actually catches Fire (which , in itself would make an interesting story but I can do better at the moment and will save the San An Fire Department card for later)
So much for combining.....today deserves it's own entry anyhow really....WOW.
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